Life of Brie Ch. 03

I had quite night last night on the job. The party delivery to Terri's house was very successful in terms of tips and match making. My regular route also proved to be financially beneficial. I might have to write a book on how to make good tips. My first thought for the book title might read like Busty in Leather.

It's Saturday morning and time to conclude my Party Planner job, only this time it's to un-decorate Terri's house. For a small fee, of course. Plus, I'm looking for a Ninja outfit to wear tonight on my Pizza delivery job.

After finishing removing all of the posters and streamers (and collecting my service fee) I went straight to Terri's closet in search of something that would make me look like a Ninja warrior. No luck in that department so I ended up dressing in basic black. If Suzie can be Goth, then I can be Goth. And because I have the benefit of Terri's closet, I should be able to do it better.

Just before our shifts Suzie agreed to paint my eyes with black, blue and a little glitter. I really liked the look and the sparkle. I smiled at Suzie and headed right out to my partners car. Jimmy J already had it loaded. We made back-to-back runs before we had a chance to sit in the shop and take a small break. We sat at one of the tables while we waited for the next order to be called and chatted about how he and Suzie should get together this summer. I went on and on about how cute of a couple they would make. Jimmy J mostly responded with how they were as different as night and day. Suzie being the night owl and Jimmy J being the day bird.

Our next order was ready, so we were off and running. Jimmy J asked me how and why I started cross dressing adventures. I tried to keep it somewhat simple.

"I was always teased as a teenager because of my size and lack of body hair, especially the lack of hair on my legs. The size stuff didn't bother me too much, but I was quite aware of the smoothness of my legs. Attending outdoor events with the gang was tough if shorts or bathing suits were required. I actually made the situation worse by limiting my outdoor activities to great extends during good weather. The results were creamy white smooth legs. The teasing may have been reduced if I could have managed a decent tan. I found myself in a Catch 22 situation for several summers."

"Alright Brie, I can understand that, but how does that equate into all this fem business."

"Well, I didn't stop hanging out with the various crews all together. As time went on it was apparent that some of the bullies wanted to stop teasing me and start touching me. Two summers ago, my legs were all the rage and I was being felt up a lot. A few guys who would never dream of play wrestling with me were all of a sudden seeking me out at parties and gatherings. In their minds they were playing that "boys will be boys" thing. It didn't take very long before I stopped fighting them off of me and allowed them to rub and touch me."

"So, you were going with the flow? How sexual did it get?"

"I suppose it's fair to say I allowed the flow. After a while it felt nice to have my legs rubbed and humped every other week or so. I imagine that during the "boys play" it looked innocence enough and no one ever said anything. However, every now and then, someone would follow me into the bathroom or changing room for a few extra minutes of privacy. If we had total privacy, I would snuggle up against them and let their hands go where they may. It was a little scary so I didn't return any gestures. I just stood there like a statue with a clock in my head. And just so I'm clear, there was no removal of clothing."

"None of that surprises me. You have great legs and a perfect butt."

"Thanks. I work hard for this ass. But all that activity was just the beginning. It got serious for me when I was walking through the department store one day and came across a multi-pack of female panties. I grabbed a package of mediums and ran to the self-service lane. They weren't anything special, but they were soft and silky."

"Have you been wearing them ever since then?"

"Pretty much. I started out as a closet panty wearing pervert. They were basically my sleep wear for over a month. Then, at the end of the summer 2 years ago, there was a going away party for Randy. He was heading off to college and his family threw a backyard BBQ party. I figured that the party would be tuned down as there would be adults present. I figured that the gang had outgrown their horse play, so I wore the violet panties under my shorts."

"Does that mean that the boys were still being boys and called you out?"

"Not exactly. The party was very mature and civil. It was a normal adult party. Everyone was having a great time and wishing Randy good luck at college. It wasn't until I went to use the restroom that the party changed, for me anyway. Andrew, my biggest bully in the past, followed me into the house. He quickly redirected us to the bathroom in the basement. His confidence was high as you had to be a good friend of Randy's to even know that there was a bathroom in the basement."

"Did you object or go willingly?"

"I asked why we were going to the basement and he replied so I could have some privacy. I had a few beers at the party so I asked him to steady me while we were going down the steps. He reached all the way around me and grabbed my elbow. I accidently moved his hand down to my ass cheek and then I accidently grabbed his groin to help steady myself. Andrew was my biggest bully, but he was cute and was always nice about his teasing. He never hurt me."

"A little accident prone or what?"

"OK, let's go with that. To this point everything was still pretty up and up. Once he walked me into the bathroom and closed the door, he actually extended his arm implying I should pee. He was being a gentleman and was standing behind me."

"Weird, but no harm, no foul so far."

"It was weird. Right up to the point where I made it weirder. I don't know why I did what I did, but I pulled my Polo shirt over my head and threw over my shoulder. You could say I was bare back to him."

"I'll write that up to you wanting to keep your shirt dry and clean. Weird, but not the worse thing that could have happened."

"Side note, I think I have nice slender shoulders to go with the rest of this body. Back to the story. Instead of pushing my zipper down and peeing like any other day, I decided to unbutton my shorts and push my zipper down. I purposely exposed the top area of my violet panties to him from the backside."

"At least you were in the basement when he called you out."

"Andrew went silent and I did my best to pee, which was not easy. It took a few moments to get my flow going. It took Andrew less time to move around me and watch. It seemed like the longest pee of my life. Once I finished, he moved back behind me and remained in silent mode. I had two choices. Pull up my shorts and zip up or push them down a little further. I accidently pushed them down to below my panties and leaned forward a bit."

"So, you were basically calling out Andrew?"

"I suppose you could say that and I suppose I did because I told him he could touch me if he wanted to. He dropped down to his knees and had his mouth and hands all over my ass. There was squeezing, licking, kissing and sucking. Have you ever had someone suck a hickey on your ass cheek?"

"No, I can't say that I have."

"I hope to have someone do that to me again someday. Anyway, this carried on for a few minutes when it became obvious that he wanted some relief. He stood up and put some serious dry humping on my backside. I think he wanted to fuck me."

"You didn't, did you?"

"No. This was my first sexual encounter with a guy, so going that far was out of the question. And, no, I wasn't ready to suck his cock either."

"You should have taken him in between your thighs and let him get off."

"I love the sound of that, but it's not that easy. And we were running on borrowed time. There was still a party going on."

"Sounds like there was a hand job involved here somewhere."

"There was. I pushed my shorts all the way off and my panties followed. I fished his cock out and wrapped my violet panties around his dick and stroked him into his own little slice of heaven. I used my own experience to know when he was getting close."

"Did he freak out when he seen you naked?"

"Not really. He checked me up and down and held my head while I jacked him off."

"You were willing to wreck your undies to satisfy your bully?"

"I looked him right in his eyes and told him that he would no longer bully me, but rather treat like a girlfriend. I made my best guess as to moment of release and stuck his panty covered cock in my mouth. He flooded those panties and I tried to suck his cream through them."

"Well, wait a minute, that sounds like a blow job?"

"I didn't see it that way. I jacked his cock until he came in my panties and then I sucked his stuff out of the panties. It's true that the head of his cock was technically in my mouth, but my lips were not wrapped around him. I made it clear to him that his new girlfriend did not just suck his dick."

"What was Andrew's reaction?"

"Typical guy stuff. Grunting, groaning, panting, etc. His balls were empty, so he didn't care about anything else. Although, he did watch me finish lapping the remainder of his cum from my panties. I think Andrew has a little freak in him. I cleaned the panties as best as I could and stuffed them in my pocket. I explained to him that I couldn't stay at the party while going commando. He tried to kiss me."

"Is that why you don't kiss? And was that the first time you ate cum?"

"Probably. It was the first attempt and my first of many kiss rejections. It was my first time eating someone else's cum. I taste my own all the time."

"Have you been with him since?"

"That will have to wait. We're at the shop. Time for the next order."

When we walked into the shop, the place was all a buzz. I asked Karen why everyone was so excited. She told me that my friend Terri showed up to visit with me and hung out for a few minutes, waiting for me to return. Karen commented that the only two people without boners were Suzie and her and that was because they don't have dicks. She also mentioned that Suzie was hard for Terri though. I knew why when I went to the back are and seen the new clothes hanging on the coat rack. I wanted to say something nasty, but would make me a hypocrite. The best I could do was throw out a couple of side eyes and start texting Terri.

"You always create boners and leave?"

"I was just standing there."

"Yea, in my shop."

"Watch out for that Zack. He's horny."

"I can handle the dog. Suzie happy as fuck."

"I wish she had a dick."

"Jimmy J leaving early."


"You need to be my driver."

"On my way."

I went to the coat rack and snagged Suzie's outfit for the night and flung it over my shoulder. I stood there until she noticed me and gave her the "follow me" hand motion. I went straight to the Restroom and held the door.

"I'll help you change Suzie. Get out of those flour covered clothes and let's make you the hottest blood slut of the party."

It's still too early to tell if Terri and I will best friends, lovers or competition."


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