Nora's Big Mistake Ch. 17

Trillion of years ago...

On the planet AutoCon, a civil war raged on. Giant robotic aliens battled against ferocious creatures. In the City known as Triptocon City, a yellow robot was collecting Plasma Rods.

"Drifter," a robotic voice said. The yellow robot turned to face a red robot coming towards her. "We have to leave now. What are you doing?"

"Just collecting enough energy cells for the trip," Drifter said. "Optic Kong said Earth should be a great place to explore. What about you Vulcan?"

Vulcan laughed. "I have more important things to do besides taking care of planetary exploration."

Drifter nodded. "Let's head back to HQ," she said. Drifter transformed into a yellow and black UFO. Vulcan transformed into her boxy vehicle mode so that Drifter could load them up, even though she didn't believe they would last a quartex. On the return trip to HQ, the pair were attacked by a team of their enemies; Warpicons, but Vulcan was able to break through their barricade of fire using her bumper-mounted cutting blades and then eluded their pursuers by heading underground. Despite their successful return with the conductors, Optic Kong decided to expand the search for energy to other planets. Vulcan was among the JusticeBots selected to embark on this mission, but in mid-flight, the JusticeBots' spacecraft was attacked by the Warpicons and crashed on prehistoric Earth, entombing all aboard in stasis.

When the AutoConians were reactivated by a volcanic eruption in 1984, Vulcan was reformatted by Teletorni 1 with the alternate mode of a white, green and red Landis Stratos Turbo custom racing car, Drifter was reconfigured to transform into a yellow Volkswagen Beetle, Trailbreak was reformatted so that her alt-mode was a terrestrial dark grey Toyota 4WD camper truck. Colbat became a green Mitsubishi military jeep. Radar became a blue and white Porsche 935 Turbo. Cruiser was reformatted as a Japanese police car. Optic Kong was reconfigured into a red and blue Freightliner FL86 Semi-Trailer Truck.

In Present Day...

"Calling all JusticeBots," Optic Kong said. "Calling all JusticeBots." There was no response. Drifter and the others approached her.

"No response," Drifter said. "We're the last ones left. Our entire planet was destroyed by those Energy Slugs."

"Calm yourself Drifter," Optic Kong said. "I'm sure they are still alive. In any case, this is our home now. We need to protect this planet, and the humans that live here."

Downtown near a sex shop...

A futa couple had just bought a Petite Fantasy Bubble Butt Mega Stroker. They then headed back into the shop to buy some more toys. Suddenly, their vehicle; a blue and black Harley Davidson Sportster XXL transformed into a blue and black futa robot. The robot; named OffRoad, then proceeded to use the mega stroker.

Meanwhile in a heavenly based location...

There was a woman sitting on a park bench. Her name was Rhea Simmons. She looked like a goddess, but had a 10 inch long cock. Currently, she was sitting on the bench, masturbating.

"Is that all you're going to do?" A voice said. Rhea turned her head and saw a woman who looked just like her.

"Buzz off Reina," Rhea said. "I'm not in the mood to play games."

Reina sighed. "Why do you want to contact 'her'?" She asked. "Why could that horny, little speedster possibly do that we can't?"

Rhea turned to face her twin sister. "Sister," she said. "Do you not remember what we are?"

Reina sighed. "Yes I do," she said as she sat down next to her sister. "We are the personification of Order and Chaos, Light and Darkness, Good and Evil. Creation and Destruction. But I don't see why you care about this pitiful universe."

Rhea nodded. "We can't end this world," she said. "These humans, mutants, aliens, metahuman; beings. They deserve a chance to live their lives."

Reina nodded as she walked away. "Do you really think that a young speedster is the key to the unification of the beings?"

Rhea nodded. "I know she is," she said. "Now we must meet with the 10 Lords of Elements."

Reina groaned. "Do we have to?" She asked. "Lord Terrus is so boring."

Rhea nodded. Suddenly the area began to rumble. "They've arrived." All of a sudden, 10 robed figures appeared. "Greetings. May I welcome you all. Lord Pyrox; Lord of Fire, Lord Aeros; Lord of Air, Lord Terrus; Lord of Earth, Lord Hydros; Lord of Water, Lord Halos; Lord of Light, Darkos; Lord of Darkness, Cyros; Lord of Ice, Shockus; Lord of Energy, Magnus; Lord of Metal, and of course Shadon; The Lord of Shadow."

Pyrox nodded. "The prophecy is approaching," she said. "We need to ensure that the young speedster is ready for the challenge ahead."

Terrus scuffed. "I think we should choose someone different," she said.

"I think she will do well," Cyros said. "Besides she's cute and adorable."

Hydros scuffed. "You're just saying that because she's hot," she said. "Remember we don't interfere with the 10 young heroes unless we have to."

Pyrox nodded. "That is true," she said. "But we will need to test her skills. If she manages to pass all our tests, she will be given the orb of Elementis."

Rhea and Reina nodded. The robed figures then vanished into the darkness. Reina began to leave. "I hope you have chosen the right person for the job," she said as she disappeared.

Rhea nodded. "I know I have," she said as she snapped her fingers, teleporting back to her own office.

Meanwhile on the Jetplane...

Nora, her future daughters and her friends were still flying. They had gotten new uniforms from the fabrication device. Willow was twiddling her fingers. She suddenly stood up. "This is crazy," she said. She then headed off towards the library. Nora and Naomi turned to face each other.

"We should probably see if she's okay," Nora said. Naomi nodded. "Engaging autopilot." The two of them then headed to the direction of the library. They found Willow sitting on the floor. "Willow? What's wrong?"

Willow sighed deeply. "Everything," she said. "I don't think we can handle Stryker yet." Naomi and Nora then sat down on either side of her. "My skills are still not ready. I'm not even sure I can handle a big cock down my throat."

Nora nodded. "I know what you mean Willow," she said. "But remember. We're in this together. You've got our backs, and we have yours."

Willow nodded. "Thanks Nora," she said. "Are you still interested in playing with me?"

Nora and Naomi nodded. They both wanted to play with Willow. "Let's start with you taking off your clothes," Nora said. "Don't worry. All of us will be changing into civilian clothes." Willow nodded. She then proceeded to strip naked alongside Nora and Naomi.

Back in Rhea's office...

Rhea was still watching them. She still believed that Nora was the one that could unite the beings.

"Before she heads to Stryker," Rhea said. "They need to learn some more skills." With a wave of her hand, the GPS location changed to a village in the Himalayas.

Back on the Jetplane...

Nora and Naomi were now completely naked and making out with Willow. Willow was also completely naked. Suddenly, their make out session was interrupted by the alarm.

Nora got up. She accessed the GPS. "This doesn't make sense," she said. "It says that we are landing now."

Willow and Naomi were both shocked. They quickly got dressed in their respective civilian clothes before heading back to the main area. Star was holding onto the seat. "What's happening?" The young metahuman asked.

Nora sat down and tried her best to keep the plane steady. "I don't know," she said. "Hold on tight everyone." With a thud, the plane crashed into the ground, bounced twice before coming to a sudden halt.

Willow and Rena then proceeded to get up. "What the hell happened?" Willow asked. She looked around and saw Fiona was lying on her face. "Oh my god Fiona. Are you okay?"

Fiona coughed. She cleared her throat and looked up at her friend. "Well," she said. "I'm still breathing. So, that's good."

Nora nodded. "Everyone okay," she said. "Willow, Rena, Loriane. Scan us to make sure everyone is fine." The three Kryptonians did, ensuring that all of them were fine. "Alright. Let's see where we are."

The girls nodded. The 10 of them then exited the plane. The area was vast. "This is one big place," Star said.

Nora nodded. Using her superspeed, she zoomed off before returning in 30 seconds. "This is the Himalayas. It runs west-northwest to east-southeast in an arc 2,400 km (1,500 mi) long," she said. "Its western anchor, Nanga Parbat, lies just south of the northernmost bend of the Indus river. Its eastern anchor, Namcha Barwa, is just west of the great bend of the Yarlung Tsangpo River (upper stream of the Brahmaputra River). The Himalayan range is bordered on the northwest by the Karakoram and the Hindu Kush ranges. To the north, the chain is separated from the Tibetan Plateau by a 50-60 km (31-37 mi) wide tectonic valley called the Indus-Tsangpo Suture. Towards the south, the arc of the Himalaya is ringed by the very low Indo-Gangetic Plain. The range varies in width from 350 km (220 mi) in the west (Pakistan) to 150 km (93 mi) in the east (Arunachal Pradesh)."

Kathy gasped. "Guys," she said. We're not alone." Before the girls could respond, they were surrounded by black robed figures. Nora, her future daughters and her friends raised their fists.

"Who are these figures?" Willow whispered to Nora.

"I don't know Willow," Nora said. "But we have to keep ourselves safe." Suddenly, they watched as one of the robed figures crooked their fingers, gesturing them to follow. "I think we are going to find out. Come on." The 10 girls followed the robed figures deep into the forest.

They headed deeper and deeper into the forest. As they traveled through the forest, the sounds of pleasure and ecstasy began to get louder. They traveled further until they reached a giant temple. Nora was shocked. She had no idea that people even lived here. Before she could speak, the robed figure approached them and lowered the hood, revealing a pale skinned woman with brown hair and blue eyes. "Greetings my friends," the woman said. "My name is Nyette. I welcome you to our humble abode. This is a secret group of martial artists who believe that inside of everyone, there is an animal spirit. Our skilled teachers are going to teach you how to unite your animal spirit and your powers. First things first, you must pay your respects to the Master. If you follow me, I'll lead you to the Master."

Nora nodded. "We have a little bit of time," she said. "Let's go."

Nyette nodded. She proceeded to lead the 10 girls through the temple. They passed by many different rooms. Finally, they reached the main shrine. "The Master will greet you one at a time," Nyette said. "The others must stay here."

Willow nodded. "I'll go first," she said. Nyette nodded. She then proceeded to lead Willow into the room to meet The Master.

Willow's Meeting with The Master...

Willow followed Nyette further into the shrine room. It was beautiful. The walls will embedded with jewels and the carpets were sewn like a tapestry. Far inside the shrine room, there was a desk. At the desk, The Master was sitting writing something on a piece of paper. "The Master is very old," Nyette said. "But she's also very wise. She knows everything about you and your friends. I would suggest you bow down to show your respect." Willow nodded. "Master, a visitor is here to meet you."

Willow admired the clothing that The Master was wearing. The yellow robes seemed 100% brand new and very comfortable. She could tell that they were made out of cambric.

The Master then finally looked up at the young girl. Willow was stunned. The Master was a woman. She had shoulder length, blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Tell me about yourself," The Master said. "What brings you and your friends here?"

Willow dropped to her knees and bowed down to The Master. "Master," she said. "We are here to learn to harness our animal spirits."

The Master nodded. "Very well," she said. She collected a package. She opened the package. Inside was a group of grey robes."These are made from heavy grade durable fabric. It comes complete with a pattern-stitched top, full cut pants, thick over socks, elastic leg bindings, and a bag that is lined and has three zippered pockets. Your name is Willow Zor-El. Now get dressed." Willow nodded and began to leave. "Change here."

Willow was shocked. "But Master," she said. "I'm a girl."

The Master smiled. "It's nothing I haven't seen before," she said. "Go on." Willow nodded and began to undress. The Master smiled as she watched the young Kryptonian get naked. The Master smiled. "I think I want you to dance for me." Willow danced, swaying her hips. "You and your friends will be staying in the Delta Division. Nyette will show you to your rooms." Willow nodded and got dressed in her robes. She bowed down to The Master and left the room.

Nora and the others were waiting. "What did she say?" Fiona asked.

Willow turned to face her friend. "We have been accepted," she said. "She said that Nyette will show us our rooms."

Nyette nodded. "Follow me," she said. She lead the 10 girls out of the temple. They traveled further into the forest. The path was paved with stones. They finally reached the location. "I hope you enjoy your stay with us. Here's our schedule." With that said, Nyette left. Nora smiled.

Nora then proceeded to read the schedule. "Wow," she said. "This is definitely not a normal temple. This is the schedule. Wake up at 6:00 am, 8:00 am is meditation, 9:30 am is breakfast, 10:00 to 12:00 is pussy fingering session, 12:30 is lunch, 1 pm is spiritual training, 3 pm is pussy licking session, 5 pm is ass eating session, 7 pm is talk, 8:30 pm is supper/tea/soup, 9:00 pm is spiritual training, and 10:30 pm is bed time."

Naomi was so confused that she didn't notice that a girl walked into her. The two of them fell down onto the floor. "So sorry about that," the girl said. "I should really watch where I'm going." The girl seemed familiar to Nora.

Nora then spoke up. "Gina?" She said. "Gina Willis? Is that you?"

Gina looked at Nora and smiled. "Oh my god Nora," she said as she hugged her tightly. "I haven't seen you in so long. How are you doing?"

Nora smiled. Gina was as beautiful as ever. The 19 year old was biracial with shoulder-length brown hair and had smooth, light caramel skin. She was a bit more curvy than her parents and had a juicy booty with big 38DD boobs. She had a big 12 inch cock and loved to perform auto-fellatio when no one was around. She was uncircumcised. "I'm doing great Gina," Nora said. "Where's your sister?"

Gina smiled. "Gail is here as well," she said. Suddenly, the temple gong rang out. The girls looked at their watches. The time was 3 pm.

Nyette appeared. "You girls must follow me," she said. "Remove your pants. Just keep your robes on." The girls nodded and followed Nyette towards the main shrine. They entered the shrine room. There, The Master was standing. Nora, her future daughters and her friends then looked up. The shrine room had two golden statues, both females. They were each on all fours with their holes wide open.

"I greet you all to the Cuntass Temple," The Master said. "I know you all think the pussy and ass are two separate holes, but that is not the truth here. Both are holes of pleasure and ecstasy. Willow. Come here." Willow walked over to The Master. "Turn around and bend over." Willow did what The Master said. The Master then proceeded to lift up Willow's robes, revealing her cute little pussy and young ass. The Master then proceeded to kiss and lick Willow's pussy in circles, causing the young Kyrptonian to moan. This continued for 5 hours. The Master then pulled away and readjusted Willow's robes. "This is a meditative practice. Each of the teachers here are trained to see your animal spirits. Follow me into the courtyard."

The 10 girls nodded and followed The Master. In the courtyard, there were four other female students. The Master pointed at a display of animal masks. "This is going to be interesting," the girl in the Tiger mask said.

Nora nodded as she, her future daughters and her friends chose their masks. Nora chose Lion, Naomi chose Eagle, Chloe chose Snake, Willow chose Bear, Fiona chose Coyote, Kathy chose Dolphin, Rena chose Hawk, Star chose Horse, Courtney chose Owl, and Loriane chose Deer. The final three unknown students chose Fox, Vulture, and Shark, respectively.

"Well done," The Master said. "Now who would like to go first?" Nora smiled and stepped forward. "Excellent. Lion would like to go first. Get into a ready stance."

Nora nodded. She kept her heels together, her toes turned out to 45 degrees, her legs straight, back straight, and hands at sides, forming a willow leaf with her palms. "I'm ready," Nora said.

The Master nodded. "Good," she said. "Now your style is that of a Lion. This is a tremendously powerful and effective fighting style, that implores both standing and on the ground movements, and fights with highly toughening grips, claws and fists that can strike and stun anything. However, you mustn't use it to overpower your opponent, only to protect yourself. Understand?" Nora nodded. "Good." The Master then pointed at the vertical smooth wall. "Climb that." Nora tried but couldn't. She tried again and managed to get over the wall.

Nora landed on the other side of the wall. "There," she said, out of breath. "Done."

The Master nodded. "Students," she said. "Line up." The students lined up in rows of 10. "This school teaches you discipline and control. Your animal spirit is not a weapon, merely an extension of yourself. It is fueled by your emotions." Nora nodded. "Depending on your emotions, the spirit will be a different color. Be focused. Let's see. I choose Lion and Tiger. Get in position." Nora and the fellow student nodded and got into position. "Now you must battle to increase your spirit energy. To unleash your animal spirit, you must slam your fists together, utter 'Call to your animal spirit', and then push forward. Start in 3...2...1...Goooooooo."

Nora was prepared. Tiger, however, was more skilled. She deflected every single one of Nora's strikes. However, when she tried to deliver a strike, Nora blocked it. "This is tougher than it looked," Nora said. Tiger glared at her and then leapt into the air.

"Remember," The Master said. "Fuel your spirit. It's an extension of yourself." Nora nodded. She waited patiently for the opportunity to strike. She felt a rush of energy. Just as Tiger was about to strike, she blocked the strike and knocked her backwards. "Excellent work." Suddenly the gong rang out again. "That will be it for today. We shall continue this tomorrow. One more thing, there is a hidden room far in the forest. Don't go there." The 10 girls nodded and bowed to The Master.

At 10:00 pm...

Naomi was lying on the bed in her own room. She couldn't sleep. She wanted to see this hidden room. She then proceeded to turn over onto her side. She then felt Nora's arms around her body. They snuggled up together. "Nor?" Naomi whispered.

"Yeah?" Nora responded.

"I can't stop thinking about that hidden room that The Master mentioned," Naomi said. "I want to investigate it."

Nora nodded. "We can do it tomorrow together," she said. "For now, I want to spoon with you." Naomi moaned in pleasure as Nora started to rub her pussy. Suddenly, they heard a knock on the door. "Come in." The door opened and in walked Chloe and Courtney. "Hey girls. What's going on?"

Chloe smiled. "Could we stay here with you two?" The young girl asked. "We can't get to sleep. Star and Rena are pounding each other, Fiona plowing Kathy, and Loriane is drilling Willow."r"


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