X Centaurus Ch. 23

Previously on Centaurus: The band finish up their sewer slime job and return to the Adventurers Guild where they meet with The Hammer Horns and decide to take on a joint-band job involving Kobogons, a rare and dangerous species of monster.

Now, chapter 23:

Astrid howled as a torrent of viscous cum was forcefully dragged from her womb, so much being pulled free at once that she was being stretched around the high pressure girth of the stream.

The cum wasn't going far. It wound and threaded its way through the air in a spaghetti line before it came down, down into a bottle on Chloe's hip, a large ceramic bottle, the outside carefully glazed in a multitude of colours, a spiralling runic design that was reminiscent of the sea writ large across its well crafted surface. A chain was tied around its neck from which a cork was attached, the cork dangled with every motion of her body as she danced her fingers in the air calling forth a second stream of white from the other cum tank that was Baerinda, rushing out her overtaxed asshole.

Chloe was not quite doing this unsupported however as she was leaning up against Fey's side, relying on the centaur to help prop herself up, her knees turned in and wobbling, threatening to give out at any moment.

Baerinda and Astrid gasped and wailed in tandem as they were steadily drained of horse cum, their room sized bellies rapidly shrinking down, but still not fast enough.

Fey trotted her front hooves on the spot nervously, her eyes dancing around the clearing. A second un-inflated Astrid suddenly dashed past and she watched with concern as this Astrid tripped over and fell, going rolling across the ground and eating a mouth full of dirt.

"Really Astrid? What next, going to accidentally set your pack on fire?" said Braddox, his patience rapidly running thin. He stood right next to cum filled Astrid, his body partially obscured by her massive belly, but seemingly completely unaware that this was the case.

"Astrid isn't that clumsy!" hissed Chloe at the sphere that was Baerinda.

Baerinda managed to gather some control over herself for one moment, enough to reply.

"H-hard to double check when it feels like I'm being turned inside out! Oh gaawds!"

The two bands, Magic Mog and the Hammer Horns were rapidly collecting their things and breaking camp. Fey had awoken in the middle of it atop Chloe, the massively cumflated minotaur pinching her into wakefulness. It didn't take her long to figure out what the problem was, it was morning and the two bands were leaving, gathering their things and putting out the fire, still completely oblivious to the three room-sized minotaur girls scattered across the clearing, simply seeing through them, or walking around them as though a tent or some such was in the spot.

The problem was that the three minotaur girls were in no state to be leaving and Fey had no desire to reveal to the Hammer Horns just what she had done to the female members of their band.

It was Chloe who had come to the rescue, she had made Fey go and fetch the bottle that now hung off her hip from her tent. She had grabbed it from Fey and turned it upside down, a small river of water flowing out which was directed into the forest, dumped as though worthless trash. When Fey asked if the water was special Chloe had mentioned something about it being blessed by the church, but now she had found something far far superior.

It hadn't taken long, she syphoned cum from her pussy into the bottle, rapidly shrinking herself back down to normal. Clearly the bottle was magical, in fact when Fey asked she had explained so: "Oh yes, it works like a Dimensional Bag but can only contain fluids my Class is compatible with and only one type at a time, limited, but waaay cheaper."

Soon the last of the cum left Astrid and Baerinda and the two girls were left slumped on the ground, breathing hard, their gaped rears steadily pooling a last trickle of white onto the ground.

"Up get up! Come on we have to go! Those villages need us!" said Fey prancing around them energetically.

Astrid groaned and squinted up at her.

"How are you not exhausted after all that? You fucked us like- like- I don't have words... I feel like I'm never going to be the same after that, that feeling of you pistoning into me over and over and then- hnnn!"

Astrid shivered at the memory, her toes curling.

"Nevermind that! We have to get up and go! There are people in trouble and we're not sitting around on our rumps leaving them to their doom!"

She leaned down and grabbed Astrid's wrist dragging her up into the air with surprising ease. The minotaur groaned but after a moment managed to find her legs, barely, they shook wildly beneath her, her thighs wobbling as lines of cum rolled down to her knees from her still partly gaped pussy.

Fey ignored her difficulties and grabbed up Baerinda too with her other hand, the two girls forcibly made to stand by the centaur.

Baerinda was by far the best off of the three having not been fucked by Fey, but she still wasn't doing great.

Fey looked at the three girls in dismay, each hanging off her, their knees turned inwards as they actively leaked her cum. Then she looked about the clearing, fake illusion Astrid, Baerinda, Chloe, and Fey had already packed their fake illusion things and were quickly moving off with the rest of the bands. But the real them were still stuck there, their very much real packs and tents still up and unpacked.

"What do we do?!" exclaimed Fey in near despair.

"C-carry us?"

Fey looked almost offended by the suggestion, but then she realised she didn't have much of a choice.

"...F-fine. But just this once!"

Chloe flicked her hand and a stream of white hosed from the bottle at her side. It swooped through the air and then split apart, diving down, each string of white forming a small hand at its tip. The hands began swiftly pulling apart their camping stuff, folding it neatly and stuffing it in packs.

As that was happening dozens of hands took hold of the jelly legged minotaur girls and lifted them up into the air. One by one they were put down atop Fey's back until it was quite crowded and they were pressed up uncomfortably close to each other.

"Okay, now catch us up Fey, hurry, Baerinda's illusions don't work at range."

Fey didn't hesitate, she turned and galloped after the others. Unsurprisingly she had little difficulty carrying the three girls, which was unfortunate for the three as their recently made hyper sensitive lower parts were made to ride rough against Fey's back, grinding and pushing up into them eliciting a chorus of gasps and fluttering eyelids. Fey could feel them pushing back into her as she ran, grinding themselves down against her back. She set her lips in a line and ran on, trying her best to ignore what she was doing to the three girls.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Fey to catch up to the bands. She found the illusion version of herself walking alongside the three minotaurs and without hesitation stepped into it, the sensation of her own body washing over herself was a strange one to say the least.

As that happened the strings of cum that had been following behind them carrying their packs in the air leaned over and plucked at the dimensional bag on Ellaria's hip. The hands swiftly undid the drawstring and Ellaria stumbled as all of their packs and belongings were quickly stuffed inside of it. The elf, still completely unaware of what was happening, looked down at the ground and muttered something about unsteady footing.

Fey blinked as she felt more than saw the illusions of Baerinda and Astrid and Chloe suddenly turn and climb onto her back, merging with their real counterparts. She glanced back at Baerinda questioningly.

The minotaur gave her an apologetic look. "Sorry, I've just been doing this all night long, I need to give it a rest for a little or the illusions are going to become unstable."

"B-but you're all on top of me!"

"You'll just have to deal with it I'm afraid. On three, two, one."

The illusion dropped and for a moment nobody noticed, they hadn't been looking in Fey's direction when the three illusion minotaurs had climbed up.

Then, after a moment, an outraged Lily pointed. "Hey! Why did you let those three up when you won't let us up! What did we do wrong!... and why are you all so flushed looking?"

Fey blinked and turned to the otterkin. She was sitting atop Vivi's shoulders, her legs around the fox girl's neck, her legs resting across her breasts. Above her floated Flora who was lazily looking through some of Vivi's drawings while a white orb floated along beside her, clearly Kayla, still quite invisible. It seemed Flora felt at least some responsibility for the invisible otterkin's current state.

The words sunk in and Fey understood what must have happened, her illusion self could not pick up and carry the two otterkins so Baerinda had made her illusion self make up an excuse to not carry the two.

"Uhm," said Fey.

"Oh? You're done being a lazy centaur?" said Flora with a lazy yawn. She flicked her fingers in Fey's direction without even looking and the white orb was spent spinning toward Fey with a cry. Astrid reached up just in time and caught the invisible Kayla, blinking in surprise as she felt the small person she couldn't see. Fey now had four people atop her back, all of them girls she had had sex with, she found she still felt entirely fine carrying their weight however, in fact it barely affected her at all.

"I'm feeling better about carrying? I guess?" she muttered, not quite sure what the right thing to say was since she hadn't heard her illusion self speak.

"Are you okay carrying me still Vi?" said Lily looking down at the fox girl.

Vivi had her massively pregnant looking belly held up as before, although she did seem to be holding up better than when she was filled with cum in the past, she had gone the entire trek yesterday without complaining once.

"Naw, it's fine I barely feel you compared to Wu- m-my ch-child," she managed to croak the last bit out, nervously glancing between the minotaurs.

"Really? But the weight! It's so much more now since- and with me as well..."

Vivi smiled foxishly, "You think I'm the same as I was? Carrying around a massive weight all day, what kind of effect do you think that has on a warrior?"


"That's right, weight training, I am so so much stronger now, I could crush several melons between my thighs at the same time, I could crack a coconut with my gluteus maximus."

"That's- that's nice, I think?"

"The Kobogons won't know what hit them," said Vivi nodding wisely.

"Yeah, and if you get the chance to give a thigh job to a monster I'm sure it would be of great use. Unfortunately for you I don't know of many monsters who like to dive between a girl's thighs in life or death situations," said Flora looking over the edge of her paper at Vivi.

"Oh shut up Flo, and give me back my drawings if you're going to be like that."

Flora drew the drawings back defensively. "I'm hanging onto them, to protect them. They're safer up in the air."

"Uh-huh," said Vivi.

Fey heard Kayla whispering behind her and she glanced back to see Astrid and Chloe leaning forward and listening intently.

Astrid nodded her agreement to something.

"I understand, the males of your inn, your husbands, they could do nothing to satisfy you and then, well Fey happened to you, I feel strangely as though I can relate to that."

"The guys aren't that bad Astrid."

"Compared to Fey? Even Braddox is like a tiny sproutling next to a great trunk, and nowhere near as productive or even comes close to how she itches that itch in the most- well, I've done it enough times with him and never felt anything even close to that, never been so filled or stretched or bred, I- I can't imagine going back to that after... It's like my eyes have been opened and I'm now moulded to something more beastial."

She shifted her hips as she spoke and Fey could feel her thighs clenching over her barrel, the other girls did the same too as she continued, reacting viscerally to her words, grinding their still swollen and leaking pussies into her back.

They were her girls now, of course, she had stretched them out and filled them with her essence, her broodmothers destined to grow massive with her foals, why should any other male even be in the picture? They were nothing compared to her overwhelming Virility and unapproachable dominance.

She blinked. What was that thought? She shook her head slightly. These intrusive thoughts were starting to affect her more and more, and however deliciously alluring and good they made her feel she should have some caution. As much as they were awakening a side of herself she never knew she had, a side she found she increasingly wanted to explore, she still felt she didn't really understand them.


They spent a few hours trotting along, the four girls atop Fey's back going into ever more graphic detail about their life-changing experiences with Fey.

This did not help Fey focus on the road in the least and she found herself ever more distracted by the girl's talk, her erection becoming stiff and rigid and smacking noisily up against her barrel as she walked, every so often letting out a little sprinkle of pre to darken the road below. Her breath was getting heavier too, and her cheeks flushed, exacerbated by her stiff nipples rubbing across the fabric of her blouse as she trotted.

She wasn't the only one, the overly detailed descriptions were having an effect on the trio too, their clenching becoming ever more desperate and the parts of her back where their rears rested becoming soaked through as they grew all the wetter. She could even feel Astrid's chest pressing up against her back, the minotaur's own stiff nipples rubbing up against her, more often on purpose than by accident she suspected.

"P-please girls, d-do you have describe it so- so unashamedly?"

"Oh Fey after what you did to us it's hard not to want to talk about it."

"It's important I think" piped up Kayla, "You would not believe how long me and Lily talked after we did it that first time, t-talk amongst other things," the last part came out as a guilty squeak.

Fey bit her lip. It wasn't just how hard she was becoming that was the problem, but that she could also feel her balls swelling, since the girls had started talking they were several inches further down her back leg and significantly rounder and more taut, almost painfully so. Being continuously teased for hours while they walked was not having a good effect on her.

She was glad then when up ahead Braddox and Ellaria stopped. The two bands faltered to a halt behind them.

"We're here. The closest village to Bine."

Fey blinked and peered past the adventurers. They had come around a corner in the road and up ahead of them was a tall palisade wall. Strangely it appeared deserted with nobody about, the road empty and the front door to the village ajar.

They approached cautiously, weapons slung and hanging ready, ready for anything.

But nothing happened. No guard appeared at the wall, no one cried out or even attacked. The door creaked slightly in the summer breeze, no hand to close it or swing it wide, just ajar.

Braddox let out a breath. "Strange, there should be guards of some manner. Even if the village was hit particularly hard no sane person outside a city leaves a gate open and unguarded, especially not out here in these monster infested hills."

"This does not bode well I fear," said Ellaria. She looked at the silent forest around them warily, then flicked a finger and a dozen marble-sized fires sprung to life around her, ready to be used at a moment's notice.

"You think this is some kind of ambush?"

"No, but I do not like to leave things to luck."

She reached out and grasped the handle of the large door and pulled back, the door swung out with a groan and with it came a spear that had been leaning against the other side. The spear clattered against the dirt and the bands tensed up in surprise, taken unawares by the loud sound in the otherwise peaceful forest.

But again, nothing happened. Ellaria kicked the spear aside and stepped into the village. The others followed.

"It's abandoned," said Flora looking between the village's buildings, "Maybe they wised up and realised that they would be better off leaving for the city while these Kobogon things are around? That's what I would do."

"You don't know villagers then," muttered Vivi, "Real stubborn bastards everyone of them, trying to get payment out of them was like trying to get blood from a stone, they make Ellaria here look positively charitable."

"That's enough of that. We don't know anything for certain."

Fey paused, her eyes coming to rest on a scrap of clothing. "H-hey I think I see something." She trotted forward and then flinched back with a yelp as the summer breeze lifted the scrap revealing the severed head of a man beneath, an expression of agony still frozen on his face.

"So much for leaving for the city," said Averys with a scowl. "More like they're all dead, prey to these ungodly monsters."

"D-don't say that! There might still be survivors!" said Fey dashing forward. She turned a corner and froze up. Astrid peered around her and gasped

"Oh no."

Fey shoulders fell. The amount of blood...

Something had happened here, something bad, the blood was... everywhere, along with fallen and dropped possessions, it wasn't hard to see that the villagers had tried to flee but had been cut down and then taken away, smears of blood across the ground marking where they had been dragged.

Ellaria put a hand on Fey's arm comfortingly. "It's bad Fey but we don't know if the worst has yet come to pass, there may still be survivors as there are no bodies here, and if there are they no doubt will need you."

"Somehow I find I like our chances less and less with this job with every passing moment," said Flora lifting up a scrap of clothing and examining the blood flecked across it.

"Braddox. Tell me, what is it that we can do?"

The large muscular minotaur scratched his jaw with his thick fingers. "Hrmm. It seems likely that the Kobogons stripped this village bare, and considering that this village is closest to the city there is a high chance that they have done the same to villages further away. These monsters are not stupid, they will have tried to extend the amount of time before they truly call the wrath of the city down on their heads. Killing an entire village like this, and not just a few missing persons as happens with any monster problem, will no doubt cause Lady Alexandria to personally come and glass this entire region flat with dragon fire. There won't be anything left."

Fey blinked. "If these monsters are smart, won't they know that is coming?"

"Yes. That is precisely the problem, if there are any survivors at all they are going to be killed and eaten by the Kobogons before they leave and they will no doubt soon be leaving. Doing this to a village won't escape notice for long."

"Fuck." said Ellaria. "Okay, it's simple then. We go in and we find where these awful creatures are hiding, we slaughter them all, and then we save the survivors."

"These things are taking out entire villages captain, that wasn't even considered a possibility. I think we might be a little over our heads here. Wouldn't it be better to wait for backup, no point us getting caught and killed too no?" said Baerinda.

Fey turned and stared daggers at the minotaur. "If you're not going to help me save the villagers then you can damn well get off my back. I'm going to help them no matter what any of you decide."

Baerinda quailed under the centaur's gaze, "N-no I didn't-"r"












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